Has it been a year already?

A year has passed since I started this blog, and I am quickly losing the desire to do something constructive with my life. I keep thinking to myself that I only have 18 more years till I can retire. This is three years earlier than I had originally thought, due to the fact that I was able to buy 3 years of optional service, but even with purchasing the additional years of service, It is still 18 more years. It has been just over a year and I am no closer to escaping from my cubicle than I was when I started, and worse yet, I am becoming complacent. At least that is how I feel.

I currently run a couple of e-commerce, directories, and forum websites. While the e-commerce sites and directories are running in the black, the forums are a long way off and solidly in the red. Of course, I knew that going in. I figured it would take at least a year or two to build them up to where I could monetize them. I look at them as my pet projects, and they relate to my hobbies but they are taking way too much time for pet projects and I am starting to wonder why I currently run more than one.






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